
Me; just thinking


~what's wrong?~

I miss home, I miss all of the people there and my family there.

~well aren't you excited to be going to Hungary?~

Yes! of course I am... but it's hard to leave a place where you grew up and so many people you love!

~I know... but you will get to see them all again~

Yeah, in two years... wow I can't believe I wont see them, or be home for at least two years.

~yeah, I think it'll go faster than you think. And don't you think that Hungary will become home?~

Heh... maybe. Well I don't know, I mean yeah I know it'll become "home" meaning that that is where we live and sure I'll find people there who I love and who love me too, but I don't think that it'll be the same.

~I know it wont be the same but we'll still have a good time, and who knows maybe it will become home even though it doesn't feel like it could.~

yeah I know we'll have fun... I'm not saying that I'm going to die, it's just hard to leave. Yeah maybe.

~I know how you feel, I miss it too! but for now we can't go home... so let's just try and be happy where we are Okay?~

Do you always have to be so happy all the time, really would it kill you to be even slightly sad sometime.

~I don't know, I'm the "Happy Hannah" part of you, so can I be sad?~

I dunno... I guess not, cause if you became sad then I might have some serious problems and be really depressed all the time, and I don't know if people would like that.

~yeah exactly, so lighten up!~

Thanks... I'll try :)

- To all the people in the Bahamas.... I miss you A LOT and I love you all so much! -

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